Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Big Day for the Tech Hermit!

After years of resisting a cell phone...
After 18 months of having a cell...
After two months of having a twitter account...

I am going to take the plunge.
[Hold you breath]

I am going to enable my phone to send and receive text messages.

"whoa, there big fella. Running out of the cave a little quick aren't we?"

Yes, I know it feels that way, but I have good reason.
I am heading down to take part in the tweet up for Dallas Twestival tomorrow evening. Part of the festivities may include a group led activity of sending out various messages. I have operated on Twitter for the last several weeks using just my desktop computer. In order to fully participate in tomorrow night, I am probably going to go freestyle on the twitter.

I am nervous.

My plan is to turn it off immediately after the event.
I am definitely not letting feeds go to my phone. I would never turn it off!

So, aside from reporting on the Dallas Twestival event, I'll also post a little reflection of what my first texts are going to be like.
Let's hope the hermit can socialize properly with all the extra pressure.